Monday, May 21, 2007

Catching Up - Last Two Weeks

There were no posts the last two weeks. Here, from the Bill Moyers Journal Newsletter are the issues discussed and guests:

Friday, May 11, 2007
"Libertarianism is something that informs people's politics. We believe in free minds.We believe in free thinking. We believe in free speech. And, we believe in free markets."
- Nick Gillespie This week on Bill Moyers Journal

Can the Rev. Pat Robertson make Biblical law the law of the land? Bill Moyers Journal takes a look at Regent University, Robertson's Christian leadership institution, which has seen some 150 students move into the Bush Administration since 2001.

Nick Gillespie, editor-in-chief of the libertarian magazine Reason, discusses the impact of the religious right in Washington today.

Historian Marilyn Young reacts to Charlie Rose's recent interview with Condeleeza Rice and offers perspective on the official view versus the reality on the ground. She is co-editor of the new book Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam: Or, How Not to Learn from the Past.

Bill Moyers on the true human cost of war.

On The Moyers Blog
Watch and discuss an advanced look at Bill Moyers' report on the cost of war.
Take a poll and discuss your thoughts on the the separation of church and state.

Friday, May 18, 2007

"Jesus' message is the strongest thing that gay people have going for us."
- Bruce Bawer

"I hope that my students have learned something about the structural nature of inequality and the way that racism gets perpetuated through our assumptions and our history and our culture, and not just through bad words or language."
- Melissa Harris-Lacewell

This week on Bill Moyers Journal

Melissa Harris-Lacewell confronts head-on the issue of constructively discussing race in America and the place for this conversation in US politics. Harris-Lacewell is an Associate Professor of Politics and African American Studies at Princeton University, and the author of Barbershops, Bibles, and BET: Everyday Talk and Black Political Thought.

Ten years ago in his book Stealing Jesus, Bruce Bawer, a gay, Christian man of faith, warned that Christian Conservatives had hijacked Jesus' message of love and replaced it with a narrow minded legalism. He left America for Europe to escape fundamentalist bigotry, but what he found instead may surprise you.

Is the new leadership in Congress going back on its promises to workers and making fair trade a raw deal? John R. MacArthur, author of The Selling of 'Free Trade': NAFTA, Washington, and the Subversion of American Democracy shares his thoughts on this week's closed door negotiations on a new trade deal. MacArthur is President and Publisher of Harper's Magazine and an award-winning journalist and author.

On The Moyers Blog
Take a poll and discuss free trade.
Join a conversation on hip hop and race in America.
Respond to Bill Moyers on what new rate hikes will mean to small, independent magazines.

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